5 Tips For Nailing New Year's Resolutions

Once the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, we welcome a New Year, filled with possibility and hope. And with some dedication, many set out to accomplish new goals in the form of resolutions. Whether it be to finally get in the gym on a consistent schedule or reading at least one book per month, the conquest of becoming a better version of ourself often coincides with January 1st. And while you can truly make lifestyle changes any time of year, the holiday is a momentous occasion that can act as a symbolic kickoff into a new journey. 

It might be easy to set New Year's resolutions—but the true challenge comes as days, weeks and months go by—as motivation fades and old habits attempt to resurface. With a few strategic tips and steps, you can forge forward into your resolutions with the confidence that they'll last. Here's our top five tips to keep your resolutions this year. 

Choose pinpointed goals

Lofty goals like get fit or start a side hustle can be aspirational, sure, but when push comes to shove it's rather challenging to achieve these lofty and fairly general goals. You're better off choosing a pinpointed resolution within a broader category, such as eating four vegetables per day, lifting weights four times a week or running your first marathon. These resolutions aren't subjective, so they're easier to quantify, track and monitor. 

Hold yourself accountable

If you're the only person who knows about your New Year's resolution you're less likely to see it come to fruition. Make a promise to your friends, family, or even social media followers who will keep you accountable throughout the year, and even offer positive reinforcement when you give updates on your success. While avoiding the embarassment of failure might not be the most noble of motivations, it can certainly keep you from sliding into too great of a slump that you forgo your resolutions completely. 

Create a plan

A concrete goal is a great place to start, but can also feel daunting if it's an entirely new habit or skill you're trying to pick up. This is where prior planning comes in hand—so you can design a toolbox that can get you from point A to point B with as little distractions as possible. For example, if your goal is to read one book per month, you could plan by picking your first four books and designating a certain time per day for reading (whether it be 15 minutes while you drink coffee in the morning or reading 20 pages per day before bed). Creating incremental changes will help you create long-term habits and patterns as they become established within your routine. Plus, planning out how you'll achieve this goal will save you from the stress of realizing you're 12 pages in to a new novel on the last day of the month. 

Find inspiration that will last

This can look different depending on your goals—but when January is over and your new year rigor is fading, refer to external inspiration to keep motivated. If you have a friend who has a similar goal (re: does not need to be exactly the same), you can designate an accountability buddy that checks in with each other's progress and performance on a regular basis. It will help you both stay honest with how you're doing, plus can be a fun way to connect with someone who has shared interests. 

If you don't like the idea of relying on an accountability buddy, there are plenty of other ways to cultivate inspiration. You can create vision boards that incorporate your goals and place it in an easy-to-see location, print mantras or reminders to hang in your home or follow influencers or leaders who share insight and tips. 

Reward yourself for success

Admittedly some New Year's resolutions can feel like a chore—whether it's improving your studying skills or starting a new fitness regimen, it's not always easy or fun to begin. If you find yourself struggling to self-motivate, instill a reward for following through with your goals. For example, if you want to walk for forty minutes every day, you can incentivize this new habit by adding a small reward to the task, like a latte at your favorite coffee shop to sip on while you stroll. Keep in mind that the reward should not counteract your goal—so if you're trying to dial down on screen time and read more, the treat for reading a chapter should not be an hour of Netflix binging. 

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